


Who Am I ?

Hi, my name is Nicklas Karlsson

I am a senior cloud solution architect and business developer with strategic thinking. With 25 years in the IT-industry, I have had the time to be part of an enormous evolution in IT. I am a person who embraces new technology and the new way of thinking strategically, focusing on business benefits with the cloud. An inspiration for the new way of working and thinking.

I strive to help businesses take advantage of the new opportunities that the cloud brings. This is to create a more productive and cost-effective digital work environment. I am a pioneer and a visionary who looks into the future to be able to help companies develop new efficient and scalable services, products and concepts. I am driven by making you more competitive in the market, with today’s more efficient and automated working methods.


I help companies to be more efficient with serverless services. Integrate and combine your XaaS applications and automate everything as long as it is possible!

Microsoft Cloud

With full focus on architecture for the combination of services in Microsoft Cloud. With Azure, Microsoft 365 and PowerPlatform at my fingers, you get a Ecosystem that has endless of possibilities.


In todays environments, living in cloud and local datacenters, automation is key. Processes that is dependent on humans is stoneage. Automation is the cornerstone of every modern company.


Our layers of applications get more and more complex, decentralized or de-coupled. You need to be able to manage, interact, combine, gather and push data between them. API Integration is a must. I like integrations and the value it brings to companies!

Data Driven

Data is power! To be able making the right decisions, you need facts. Data is a big part of facts. To gather the right data for the right purpose is crucial. With serverless acquisition of structured data, you will get ahead of your competitors.

BI Visuals

Take your crunched, structured data and visualize your entire organization, no matter department or purpose. Core values for your business should not be hidden or kept in an old Excel-spreadsheet. Visualize it, make decisions, use to governance, track changes, act on and celebrate targets!


With the right mindset, using the right combination services for the right purpose, you have the right conditions to be more efficient. Don’t be afraid of test new ways of doing things. If your company have a vision, follow that path and make your business more efficient and automated


With my great interest in the possibilities of the cloud, there is also a drive to learn more. You are never fully learned and things will change every minute …

My Microsoft Transcript

Misc. Info

skills and tools I’m comfortable with …

What About Programming Languages I Use ?

  • Scripting | PowerShell, Bash, some Python & C#
  • Database | SQL, MySQL, DAX
  • IAC | TerraForm, Bicep, Yaml
  • Web | PHP, Laravel, Html, Css, JS, GraphQL

What Tools Do I Use ?

  • VS Code | With too many extensions !! 😎
  • Git | Azure DevOps & GitHub
  • Visual Studio | C#
  • API/Integrations | Postman, GraphQL, GraphCMS
  • Sketches/Charts | Draw.io, Visio, JSON Map

BI Tool Of Choice ?

Microsoft Power BI | My GoTo tool for Data Visualisation. A dream for internal and external stakeholders. Make data-driven decisions with ease.

Automation Options

  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Automation
  • Azure Logic Apps
  • Power Automate
  • Azure DevOps | CI/CD
  • GitHub | CI/CD (Actions)

Contact Me

Do not hesitate to reach out and talk cloud/automation/integration solutions or just have some advisory…

Find contact details to the left